Game of the Sunday – Il gioco della domenica: Freshly-Picked Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland, lo spin-off di Zelda per Nintendo DS
Il nuovo video della rubrica Game of the Sunday – Il gioco della domenica, vedrà questa volta protagonista Freshly-Picked Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland.
Lo spin-off di Zelda che vede protagonista lo strambo elfo TIngle, è stato pubblicato dalla casa di Kyoto il 14 settembre 2007 in esclusiva per Nintendo DS.
Come saprete da ormai molti mesi a questa parte, alcune domeniche verrà proposto un nuovo video di “Game of the Sunday”, che troverete poi nella playlist linkata in video di seguito.
Take a trip into the weird and wonderful world of Tingle as he becomes the hero of his very own adventure! Fans of the Legend of Zelda series will be familiar with the quirky character best known for making maps and hoarding every last Rupee he can get his hands on. And now you can take control of Tingle as he sets off on a wacky quest to collect as much cash as possible and reach a paradise beyond the clouds. The game reveals that Tingle’s obsession with Rupees began after he was called to an abandoned pool near his home by the mysterious Uncle Rupee. Tingle is informed that throwing enough Rupees into the pool will cause a tower to rise from the ground which stretches up to Rupeeland – an otherwise unreachable paradise. And so the adventure begins. Directing Tingle with the +Control Pad or YXAB Buttons, and using the Touch Screen to select items, interact with people you meet and mark key points on the game map, you must help Tingle collect as many Rupees as possible. Money doesn’t come easily though, and you’ll have to keep Tingle in the black by battling enemies, exploring dungeons and completing a variety of tasks. You can even raise Rupees by selling the maps you have charted. But be careful – trying to sell your maps at too high a price might make prospective buyers angry and lose you a sale! Helping you out on your travels are the friendly fairy Pinkle and Tingle’s pet dog Barkle. You’ll also have to hire bodyguards to protect you from bad guys who want to get their hands on your precious Rupees. Welcome to Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland, where money definitely makes the world go round!•Take control of Tingle and guide him through a quirky adventure full of colourful characters.•Use the Touch Screen to interact with people you meet, chart maps and use items you have collected.•Hire bodyguards to protect you from the bad guys and use their special skills to reach areas Tingle can’t get to on his own.
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