Felix the Cat: pubblicato il primo trailer su Nintendo Switch
Qualche ora fa è emerso il primo trailer dedicato a Felix the Cat, disponibile prossimamente su Nintendo Switch.
Non è infatti una novità che Nintendo Switch riproponga edizioni di vecchi classici migliorate per le nuove piattaforme e tecnologie, basti pensare ad esempio a Gimmick! Special Edition, rilasciato qualche settimana fa sull’eShop di Nintendo Switch.
Limited Run Games riporterà in auge (grazie al solito Carbon Engine), il classico Felix the Cat per NES del 1992, in arrivo anche su Nintendo Switch.
Trovate il video di seguito.
Since his debut in 1919, Felix the Cat has endured as a pop culture icon. Across film, television, and gaming, fans have remained endeared to Felix’s playful and imaginative spirit for nearly 105 years. Now, the 8-bit adventures of Felix the Cat are returning for new audiences to discover and generations of fans to enjoy together.
This release includes both the classic Nintendo Entertainment System title and the Game Boy title that was released a year later. Through Carbon Engine, and some help from Felix’s Magic Bag of Tricks, new features for the titles, including save states and other quality-of-life fixes, bring them into the modern era of gaming.
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