Persona 5 Tactica: rivelate nuove informazioni in merito al titolo

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Atlus ha rivelato nuove informazioni in merito a Persona 5 Tactica, prossimamente disponibile anche su Nintendo Switch.

Lo strategico a turni con grafica chibi, sarà pubblicato il prossimo 17 novembre 2023 sull’eShop europeo ed americano di Nintendo Switch.

Potete trovare le informazioni in questione di seguito.

Introducing Unique Enemies

  • Encounter an increasingly diverse variety of enemies as the story progresses!​
  • Go toe-to-toe against the Sumo-maton as it hurls enemies at you!​
    • The Sumo-maton wreaks havoc in the ring of battle by tossing any unit in range–friend or foe!
  • Marvel at the beautiful Guarded Geisha as she blocks your ranged, melee, and skill attacks!​
    • The Guarded Geisha is ready to block any incoming head-on attack with her elegant and handy parasol!
  • Hunt for the Slimy Shinobi as it dispatches clones of itself across the battlefield!​
    • The Slimy Shinobi will sneakily create clones of itself on the battlefield to confuse you!
  • Test your mettle with the variety of powerful enemies awaiting you!

Experience a Wide Array of Interactive Stage Elements

Stages are also filled to the brim with unique interactive elements!​

Fight your way through different stages with gameplay elements like​ surveillance cameras that call in enemies if you step into their line of sight​ or elevators that move parts of the stage up and down when you press a switch!​

​You can use some elements to gain the upper hand in battle, like Dash Squares that let you leap across elevated parts of the stage or explosive barrels that go off with a bang after taking a set amount of damage!

Hold Back From Fighting to Charge!

Don’t lose your head in the heat of battle! Play it cool like a real Phantom Thief!​ ​If a character takes no action during a battle, then at the end of your turn that character will begin to charge!​ ​During your next turn, they’ll be powered up and ready for action! ​ ​Carefully position yourself to lure out enemies and gain a charge for a mart play!​ Each character’s charge has different effects, so be sure to try them all!

Everyone Can Equip Their Own Sub-Persona!

All Phantom Thieves can equip a Sub-Persona!​

Equipping a Sub-Persona will raise that character’s stats!​ You can also use that Persona’s unique and inherited skills!​

Sub-Personas not only have active skills that you can use SP to ​activate, they also have passive support skills that automatically ​activate in battle!​

Search for the perfect character and Sub-Persona combo!

Create New Weapons in the Velvet Room!

The Velvet Room has a new service! In addition to the usual Persona fusions,​ you’ll be able to fuse two Personas to create a weapon!​

You can combine certain Personas in order to create new unique weapons. These weapons are superior to what you can buy in the shop!​

It’ll give you an advantage to create many different weapons, so be sure to use this feature often!

Savor Hard-Fought Victories on High Difficulty Levels!

When playing on Hard or higher difficulty levels, the strength of enemy attacks as well as their HP will increase, and your attacks can now hit your own party members as well!

If you don’t pay attention when using wide-range attacks, you might find your party members have low HP without the enemy even touching you!​

However, you can retry as many times as you want! Test out different strategies!

After a strange incident, the Phantom Thieves wander into a bizarre realm where its citizens are living under tyrannical oppression. Surrounded by a military group named Legionnaires, they find themselves in grave danger until a mysterious revolutionary named Erina rescues them and offers an enticing deal in exchange for their help. What truth lies behind Erina and the deal she offers to the Phantom Thieves?

Overthrow your enemies with powerful Personas, an assortment of weapons, and wipe them out with style in this fresh new tactical RPG from the award-winning Persona 5 game.


A revolution in your heart.

Nearing graduation, the members of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts gather at Cafe Leblanc on a snowy day. Then suddenly, the world shook and something unusual occurred. A strange light began to illuminate from the doors of the cafe. Cautiously opening the doors, what awaited the group was a new, never-before-seen world.

In a town reminiscent of medieval Europe, Joker and the gang were attacked by a mysterious armed group. Right when they were facing certain doom, they were saved by a person who goes by the name “Elle the Revolutionary.” In return for saving them, she asks for their help in her “revolution” efforts. Will the Phantom Thieves take up her offer?


Led by Elle the Revolutionary, the story begins to unfold!

  • Joker (voiced by Jun Fukuyama) – This game’s hero, and the player’s avatar. A second-year high school student. After getting involved in the Psychotic Breakdown incidents, he awakened his Persona. He is the leader of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts, a group that aims to make rotten adults repent and reform. His codename is “Joker.” His Persona is Arsene.
  • Morgana (voiced by Ikue Otani) – A mysterious, talking, cat-like being that our heroes met in another world. After being saved by Joker, he tags along with the group. He knows a lot about this world, and so he acts as a guide, as well a mascot. His codename is “Mona.” His Persona is Zorro.
  • Elle (voiced by Rie Takahashi) – A girl who saves Joker and the Phantom Thieves when they wandered into the world. She isn’t the best at thinking of details, and tends to act without putting much thought into things. But it is through this ability to act, and her cheerful and spirited personality that she was able to garner the trust of others, making her the leader of the “revolution.” In order to accomplish this revolution, she tries to strike a deal with the Phantom Thieves to help her. But what will happen?


The New All-Out Attack: TRIBANGLE! Show It Off in Battle! – Choose a party of three from the members of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts and Elle. Use “1MORE” to perform an additional action after knocking down an enemy, then finish it off with the All-Out Attack “TRIBANGLE,” which is triggered when the three surround the downed enemy.


Guitar sounds that will pull on your heartstrings!

The concept of the music is some good ol’ rock sounds featuring the guitar as the main component. Vocals for the opening, ending, and inserts will of course be handled by Lyn! The sound composer was the guitarist at the Persona Super Live 2022: Atlas Sound Team’s Toshiki Konishi.

  • Opening: “Revolutionize Your Heart”

Downloadable Content

Additional episodes will release at launch alongside the game!

“That long-awaited character” who isn’t mentioned in the main story will make an appearance! Releasing at the same time as the game is the downloadable content “Repaint Your Heart,” complete with new stories and new rules to enjoy battle with.

Pre-Order Bonuses

Be the first to order, and you’ll be able to summon a special Persona!

Downloadable content that will allow you to summon the special Personas Orpheus Picaro and Arsene Picaro will be available as a pre-order bonus on a first-come first-served basis.

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