MEGA MAN BATTLE & FIGHTERS: uno sguardo in video al titolo NeoGeo Pocket dai Nintendo Switch europei
Recentemente abbiamo pubblicato un video gameplay dedicato a MEGA MAN BATTLE & FIGHTERS, disponibile da questo momento su Nintendo Switch.
L’RPG game di SNK uscito nel 1999 su Neo Geo Pocket Color, è stato pubblicato il 4 agosto 2022 sull’eShop europeo, americano e giapponese di Nintendo Switch.
Potete trovare il video pubblicato di seguito.
MEGA MAN BATTLE & FIGHTERS features two titles arranged for the NEOGEO Pocket Color: MEGA MAN: THE POWER BATTLE and MEGA MAN 2: THE POWER FIGHTERS.
■MEGA MAN BATTLE & FIGHTERS is now available via NEOGEO Pocket Color Selection! You can also play as different characters PROTO MAN, BASS, and DUO, each with their own distinct playstyles. Get your buster ready and jump into the world of MEGA MAN!
■Get straight to the action as you take on boss characters from the MEGA MAN games 1 to 7! Defeat a total of 40 bosses and put a stop to DR. WILY’s plans for world domination!
■Character data can be obtained randomly by defeating enemies! Set out and collect all 36 types to fill up your own personal database!
*This product contains only the Japanese version.
*Trading functions have been disabled.
*The manual included in the game it is from the NEOGEO POCKET Color edition. Therefore, some of the controls may vary on Nintendo Switch
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