Shutter Nyan! Enhanced Edition, il titolo in arrivo ad ottobre su Nintendo Switch
Poche ore fa è stato annunciato l’arrivo di Shutter Nyan! Enhanced Edition, titolo indipendente prossimamente disponibile su Nintendo Switch.
L’action game 2D a scorrimento di CFK e Project Moreum, sarà pubblicato nel mese di ottobre 2022 sull’eShop europeo e americano di Nintendo Switch.
Potete trovare l’annuncio ufficiale di seguito.
Our cat protagonist, stranded in the mysterious world by the wind, must find in the journey a way to return to its human friend. Using the magical camera, the player and the cat will freely explore a variety of stages by creatively using captured objects, which include creating a platform in the air and attacking the enemy.
The game also features a number of collectibles such as posters and costumes, as well as multiple endings the cat could meet depending on how the game is played.
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